Restoration 1978 “Hi Sweetie”
June 9, 2008- VIDEO UPDATES- The Aluminum 1/2 doors are in paint color and are being installed. We are close to completion of this great restoration. April 26, 2008- VIDEO UPDATE- We are nearing the end of this restoration. Watch as we video the completed project. There are a few decisions to be made as to bumper and doors, but it is pretty much done and ready to go to the beach! February 20, 2008- VIDEO UPDATES- Back together this Cruiser goes. February 15, 2008- VIDEO UPDATES- Paint Paint Paint!!! Most all body parts are in paint color. What a great stock color. Now we put it all back together again. February 5, 2008- VIDEO UPDATES- Work continues with this restoration. The frame and the many components that are mounted/bolted to the frame (i.e.stainless steel fuel line, stainless steel brakes lines, wiring harness, etc.) are in the process of being assembled. The front seat upholstery has been completed. Watch next for complete paint to the body parts! January 22, 2008- VIDEO UPDATES- We have much to report with this update. We are moving along quickly with many sections of this restoration. The engine and driveline have been painted and have been installed back into the galvinized frame….it looks good! The Aluminum Body Tub, steel cowl, front fenders, aprons, and grill have been Line-X’ed and also look GREAT! The front seat upholstery work has started. Painting of the parts is next!! Janury 15, 2008- VIDEO UPDATE- The Aluminum body tub and steel cowl are ready for Line-X. January 10, 2008- VIDEO UPDATE- Many items are being addressed in the latest video updates. The engine has been cleaned up as well as the transmission and transfercase. The Stainless Steel Brakelines are being installed on the frame. The cowl has been unioned to the Aluminum Tub and many parts are just about ready for Line-X! Much to see here! January 7, 2008- VIDEO UPDATE- The rear jump seats have new upholstery…they are better than new! January 7, 2008- VIDEO UPDATES- Cowl work, rolling frame, and more! November 14, 2007- VIDEO UPDATES…FINALLY- We apologize to all for the long delay between video updates. Many technical problems with our computer and server have been resolved! The frame has been restored and the Galvinization process has been completed. It looks great!! The axles have been sandblasted and rebuilt. The cowl is being restored at the cowl mounts and side panels. The engine is being taken apart for cleaning and re-sealing. All goes along quickly….October 19, 2007- VIDEO UPDATES- Work begins on this restoration project. We now begin to take apart every part of this Cruiser. As we disassemble the Cruiser it becomes clear as to where this Cruiser lived most of it’s life…on the Atlantic Ocean, the salty coast of New England. The frame, as we knew before we started, was definitely gone, toast, done! There are a number of other parts that are in need of replacement. We will work in as many good quality used parts as possible(not availabe new). Watch as the transformation takes place….enjoy!1978 FJ40 Original Owner Restoration- This Land Cruiser has a great story and here it is: Bob and Karen bought this Land Cruiser in 1978 from one of the first Toyota dealers here in New England. This Land Cruiser sat at the dealership waiting to be purchased. Bob and Linda had another Cruiser in mind on the lot, a different colored Cruiser. However, the dealship owner had it in his mind that Bob and Karen should purchase this mustard colored Cruiser instead. "He kept driving the price down as we said we were not interested" Bob said as he reflcted upon the day he and Karen purchased the Land Cruiser. "He finally dropped the price so low that we could not refuse the deal!" It was the mustard color that was setting them off. "But for that price we could live with the color!" Karen quickly created a custom spare tire cover for the Cruiser that became the Cruiser’s "logo", Hi Sweetie! They owned the Cruiser up until about 6 years ago when they reluctantly so it to someone whom promised to restore it. That restoration never happend and it some how found it’s way back to Bob and Karen who will now restore it with Cruiser Solutions.