Restoration 1979
April 11, 2007- VIDEO UPDATE- "It’s alive!" We have placed the engine into the engine-run-up-machine to break in the engine. We have run the engine at 3000rpm for about 20 minutes to break in the cam and bearings. All went well. We did notice a fairly substantial vacuum and exhaust leak at the stock manifolds…:( Looks like we will be placing a new header on this engine when we get it back into the Cruiser. April 9, 2007- VIDEO UPDATE- The engine rebuild continues. We now start to re-assemble the many parts that go back on the engine. Watch soon as we place the engine into our "engine-run-up-machine" for the break in. March- VIDEO UPDATE- The 2F engine has been completed with a Master Rebuild Kit installed. The machine shop bored the block 20 over and ground the rods 10 over and the mains 10 over. Watch for the newly rebuilt engine installation on video soon. February 7, 2007- Engine Rebuild 1979. This Land Cruiser was delivered to Cruiser Solutions from southern California and it does not seem to like the snow that has collected on it’s hood and fenders. Our first piece of business will be to perform an engine rebuild to this tierd 2F engine. We also will install a new clutch and a few other much needed mechanical items. Watch as we install the master engine rebuild kit to this Land Cruiser’s 2 F engine.