Restoration: Canadian Cruiser
May 4, 2006
This is a first here at Cruiser Solutions. We have taken delivery of our first full restoration of a Canadian Cruiser. We have done restorations of cowls for our neighbors to the North, but this will be our first FULL restoration. This customer is extremely excited about the process and final product to be produced by Cruiser Solutions. As with many of our restorations we will be installing our Aluminum Body Tub to this Land Cruiser. As you will see from the photos, many other parts will be required. However, the frame is in very good condition with some limited frame components needed for the rear of the frame.
This Land Cruiser visited our business a few years ago. The Cruiser was purchased in Brooklyn New York and was used to tow a HUGE catamoran up to coast to New Brunswick Canada. On the trip north the Cruiser, and owner, stopped by to pick up a few parts and to visit. Little did we, or the owner, she, know that someday the Cruiser would return for a very nice restoration. Here we go…:)